Open Access Hubs

Measures the number of threatened watershed basins (23) in Canada with high quality open access water data hubs

It’s important to be transparent that this Shared Measurement System was designed from a non-Indigenous worldview and we recognize that Indigenous ways of knowing are absent from it. For more information on this positioning, see our Right Relations page.


Ready and free access to reliable water-related data is essential for good decision making. Ideally, Canadians should have access to free, online water data platforms – or “open access hubs” – that bring together various sources of data, knowledge and other water information in a way that is understandable, accessible and sustainable over time for each of Canada’s 25 major watersheds[1]. We believe that when properly designed, an open access hub should:

  • focus on freshwater health across an entire watershed;
  • have a clear purpose and provide data relevant to meeting users’ needs;
  • include data of multiple types from multiple sources (e.g., academic research data, Indigenous and local knowledge, community-based monitoring data, industry data and government monitoring data)
  • be readily accessible and free to use;
  • present data in understandable and readily usable formats;
  • provide data that is reliable and trustworthy;
  • provide metadata to aid in proper interpretation and use of the data;
  • provide data that are timely and regularly updated;
  • be sustainable over the long-term, with adequate resources available for maintenance;
  • be actively used;
  • be governed by a clear and appropriate data management policy[2]; and
  • be consistently evaluated to ensure its long-term performance.

Using these criteria as a guide, we assessed the quality of the open access hubs for the 23 watersheds that WWF-Canada has found to be Canada’s threatened watershed basins. Overall, we rate open access data hubs for Canada’s threatened watershed basins as medium in terms of quality.

All 23 threatened basins have:

  • some form of open data access;
  • support by organizations with proven track records and clear long-term commitments to monitoring;
  • a mix of data types available, though government-funded scientific monitoring dominates; and
  • metadata widely available and data standards established.

The geographic scope of monitoring is reasonably good, though much less monitoring is done in remote basins.

Not all open access hubs are of the same quality, however. Of the 23 threatened basins, only 11 have hubs we consider to be of high quality. Five basins (the Ottawa, Great Lakes, Okanagan-Similkameen, Columbia and Fraser-Lower Mainland basins) have high or very high WWF threat levels but rank only medium in terms of hub quality. 

Our full analysis of open access water data hubs across Canada can be found here.

Major Watershed BasinWWF Canada’s threat levelQuality of the available open access hub(s) (subjective rating of low, medium or high)
1. Newfoundland and Labrador basinModerateHigh
2. North Shore-Gaspé basinModerateMedium
3. Maritime Coastal basinModerateHigh
4. St. John-St. Croix basinHighHigh
5. Arctic Coast – IslandsVery lowNot Assessed
6. Keewatin – Southern Baffin basinVery lowNot Assessed
7. Northern Quebec basinLowLow
8. St. Lawrence basinModerateMedium
9. Ottawa basinHighMedium
10. Northern Ontario basinLowLow
11. Great Lakes basinVery highMedium
12. Winnipeg BasinVery highHigh
13. Churchill basinModerateMedium
14. Lower Saskatchewan-Nelson basinModerateHigh
15. Assiniboine-Red basinVery highHigh
16. Missouri basinHighHigh
17. South-Saskatchewan basinVery highHigh
18. Lower Mackenzie basinLowHigh
19. North Saskatchewan basinHighHigh
20. Peace-Athabasca basinModerateHigh
21. Columbia basinHighMedium
22. Okanagan-Similkameen basinHighMedium
23. Fraser-Lower Mainland basinHighMedium
24. Pacific Coast basinLowMedium
25. Yukon basinLowMedium

[1] See here for a map of these the watersheds.

[2] See, for example, the data policy of the Mackenzie DataStream.

Last updated December 2019

Number of threatened watershed basins (23) in Canada with high quality open access water data hubs

11 of 23

Overall quality of open access water data hubs for threatened watershed basins in Canada: Medium

Highly or very highly threatened watershed basins that do not have high-quality open access water data hubs: Ottawa, Great Lakes, Okanagan-Similkameen, Columbia and Fraser-Lower Mainland

Quality of open access water data hubs for the 25 major watersheds in Canada

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Note: The data presented here represents our best research given the time and resources at hand. We acknowledge there may be errors. This shared measurement system belongs to all members of the Our Living Water Network, so if you have any corrections for us, or ideas to share on this measure, please send us an email at

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