The Heart of the Challenge: “Youth are invited to join a space, but are still often siloed.” – Henry Pitts, Co-President, North American Youth Parliament for Water
The Heart of the Solution: “Enabling youth with trust and tools.” – Nina Bianchi, Project Manager, International Secretariat for Water
Earlier this year I connected with four inspiring water network leaders from the North American Youth Parliament for Water (NAYPW) and the International Secretariat for Water (ISW) about how the water community can support young leaders. The NAYPW works to “connect young leaders [between the ages of 18-35] with meaningful opportunities to influence water policy and build youth capacity and mentorship,” while the ISW “[brings] together citizens and organizations who are committed advocates for water.” The ISW supports and catalyzes the World Youth Parliament for Water network, which the NAYPW is part of.

While water organizations often include young leaders in their initiatives, they don’t always ensure the engagement informs action, which can lead to youth feeling disempowered. The good news is that there are lots of ways to change this and put trust in young leaders.
Here are some of the pitfalls organizations fall into (in italics), paired with solutions (in bold), followed by examples:
- Creating youth dedicated space without reciprocity
Offering Benefits for Youth Participation – The Youth for Water and Climate Programme in Europe provides workshops, mentorship, internship support, a community of practice and an online curriculum for participating youth. There is even a published Roadbook for organizations to understand how they can benefit from pairing youth with professional mentors in their own initiatives.
2. Creating opportunities without valuing youth thought leadership
Showcasing Youth Professional Expertise – The NAYPW is an organizing partner for the Columbia River Symposium, during which youth leaders participated on panels in 2024 aligned with their professional expertise. This allowed for fresh, diverse perspectives across a wide range of topics. In addition, this event showcased youth special rapporteurs – stay tuned for their final report!
3. Engaging youth without intending them to have influence
Enabling Longterm Inclusion – The Benton Soil and Water Conservation District in Oregon in the US has a program where local students sit on the board to learn how governance works, building longterm trustful relationships. The onus is on organizations to ensure youth engagement is more than just box ticking or “youthwashing”, and actually integrates youth opinions while supporting their learning.
4. Only reaching youth who have the greatest access to resources
Proactively Recruiting a Cross-Section of Youth – The Preserving Akwesasne Biodiversity project has worked hard with the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne to recruit Akwesasronon (Akswesasne youth) to participate in training sessions and dialogues. To recruit a representative, diverse group of youth, it’s important to build relationships with community organizations who are connected with local youth, as well as to provide resources to support their participation.
5. Offering opportunities that lack transparency
Transparency About Compensation – Resources to financially support youth involvement may be limited, but even small budgets can go a long way. The ISW provides flexible mini grants to its World Youth Parliament for Water chapters to support their activities (local action, advocacy, youth dialogues), pairing the funding with guidance on budgeting, planning and goal setting. The return on investment for ISW is substantial, and youth benefit by learning to lead their own events. Even when no funding is available, it’s important to center trust by being transparent.
Both ISW and NAYPW have broad reaching youth networks and are eager to engage in dialogue across the water community. If your organization wants to learn more about these networks, take a look at ISW’s Youth Strategy 2024-2030 and NAYPW’s Partners page.
About Rebekah Kipp
Network Communications Lead, Our Living Waters: mother, freshwater champion, beachcomber, and origami enthusiast