Open Access Hubs

Alt text: Four people stand by a rocky river, wearing waders and boots. One person holds a measuring tape, and they appear to be studying the water flow. The landscape is wooded with mountains in the background. / Quatre personnes se tiennent au bord dune rivière rocheuse, portant des cuissardes et des bottes. Une personne tient un ruban à mesurer et semble étudier le débit de leau. Le paysage est boisé avec des montagnes en arrière-plan.

Atlantic Canada to get new open-access data hub

Another region in Canada is launching a public and open-access hub for water data. Joining the Mackenzie region, Atlantic DataStream will be your one-stop shop for data on water quality in Atlantic Canada. With over 20 groups, including NGOs, federal, and municipal governments, and First Nations feeding into the hub, it will become the most comprehensive and […]

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Alt text: A tranquil lakeside scene with a sandy path curving along a rocky shoreline. Sparse trees line the right side, and the lake appears partially frozen under a bright blue sky with scattered clouds. / Scène paisible au bord dun lac avec un sentier de sable sinuant le long dun rivage rocheux. Des arbres clairsemés bordent le côté droit et le lac semble partiellement gelé sous un ciel bleu vif parsemé de nuages.

Snapshot of Community-Based Water Monitoring in Canada

Living Lakes Canada, Acadia University and Simon Fraser University released a Snapshot of Community Based Monitoring in Canada. The report provides a valuable landscape scan on: reasons for CBM; monitoring locations; funding for CBM; monitoring parameters; integrating Traditional Ecological Knowledge; managing CBM data; informing policy; and working collaboratively in CBM efforts.    

Snapshot of Community-Based Water Monitoring in Canada Read More »

**Alt Text:** Cover page of a report titled Realizing the Potential of Community Based Monitoring in Assessing the Health of Our Waters, dated September 2016. Logos of various environmental organizations are displayed at the bottom.

**Canadian French Translation:** Page couverture dun rapport intitulé « Réaliser le potentiel de la surveillance communautaire dans lévaluation de la santé de nos eaux », daté de septembre 2016. Les logos de diverses organisations environnementales sont affichés en bas.

Realizing the Potential of Community Based Monitoring in Assessing the Health of Our Waters

Check out this 2016 collaborative report by a number of organizations in the Our Living Waters Network, as well as a government agency. It focusses on the potential for community-based water monitoring to fill data gaps preventing us from understanding the health of freshwater ecosystems.

Realizing the Potential of Community Based Monitoring in Assessing the Health of Our Waters Read More »

Alt text: A group of people stand on a rural bridge, holding ropes over the edge, appearing to engage in an activity. The landscape includes bare trees and patches of snow under a clear blue sky. / Un groupe de personnes se tient sur un pont rural, tenant des cordes par-dessus le bord, semblant participer à une activité. Le paysage comprend des arbres nus et des taches de neige sous un ciel bleu clair.

Realizing the Potential of Community Based Monitoring

A new paper has been released demonstrating the important role community-based monitoring (CBM) can play in filling the significant water data gaps we have in Canada. The paper, co-written by a collaboration of four nonprofit organizations, one foundation, and one government agency and supported by the Our Living Waters Network, focuses on the potential of CBM to fill in these

Realizing the Potential of Community Based Monitoring Read More »

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