Alt text: A scenic view of a rocky coastline with tall evergreen trees overlooking a vast, blue ocean. The sky is clear and bright, enhancing the vibrant green of the trees and the deep blue of the water. / Une vue pittoresque dune côte rocheuse avec de grands arbres à feuillage persistant surplombant un vaste océan bleu. Le ciel est clair et lumineux, accentuant le vert vif des arbres et le bleu profond de leau.

Building communities connected to water

It may seem cliché but no saying is more true than “Water is Life”. Water unites us. It connects our communities. It fuels our economies. Unfortunately, we continue to take water for granted. Its connecting force, its fuel, its life force exists in each of our subconscious. We know its value but we don’t always […]

Building communities connected to water Read More »