Freshwater Awareness

Photo of three female assessors in a boat looking at a lake's shoreline as part of the Love Your lake program. // Photo de trois évaluatrices dans une embarcation examinant les rives d'un lac dans le cadre du programme « Votre lac et vous ».

Watersheds Canada and Canadian Wildlife Federation Offer ‘Love Your Lake’ Program Together for Over a Decade

This impact story was adapted from an article entitled “How can you love a lake?” by Monica Seidel on page 10 of the Water Canada magazine issue for July/August 2024. It has been shortened, and also contains additions from Watersheds Canada staff about their collaborative relationship with Canadian Wildlife Federation. Header photo © Love Your […]

Watersheds Canada and Canadian Wildlife Federation Offer ‘Love Your Lake’ Program Together for Over a Decade Read More »

A winding river surrounded by lush green grass and shrubs, with sandbanks along the river’s edge and a backdrop of rolling hills under a partly cloudy sky. // Une rivière sinueuse entourée d’herbe verte luxuriante et d’arbustes, avec des bancs de sable le long des berges et des collines vallonnées en arrière-plan sous un ciel partiellement nuageux.

The Alberta WaterPortal launches nationwide charity, the Canada WaterPortal Society

We’re live! The Canada WaterPortal started as the Alberta WaterPortal in 2006 and began as an Alberta-focused response to an Alberta-wide water management strategy, “Water for Life”, first released that year. With a mission of educating and informing people about the value of water as a vital resource, we have been providing objective, grounded information

The Alberta WaterPortal launches nationwide charity, the Canada WaterPortal Society Read More »

A snow-cleared pathway sprinkled with rock salt, surrounded by piles of snow, leading towards a wooden fence in the background.

The Ontario Salt Pollution Coalition

It takes “humility, care, and flexibility” for a diverse group of people to form a successful coalition…with some campaigning and facilitation skills thrown in the mix to turn plans into action! Dani Lindamood, Programs Director at Water Watchers, currently facilitates the Ontario Salt Pollution Coalition (OSPC). The OSPC unites nonprofits and concerned individuals to advocate for a “provincial

The Ontario Salt Pollution Coalition Read More »

Alt Text: A group of people in colorful costumes, including animals and characters, pose in a gymnasium with scenic nature backdrops of mountains and a lake. They are standing in a line, smiling and playful, with a bright atmosphere. 

Translation: Un groupe de personnes en costumes colorés, comprenant des animaux et des personnages, pose dans un gymnase avec des décors naturels pittoresques de montagnes et dun lac. Ils se tiennent en ligne, souriants et ludiques, dans une ambiance lumineuse./Un groupe de personnes en costumes colorés, comprenant des animaux et des personnages, pose dans un gymnase avec des décors naturels pittoresques de montagnes et dun lac. Ils se tiennent en ligne, souriants et ludiques, dans une ambiance lumineuse.

Connecting Youth with Water through Theatre in Alberta

“The work we do connects with the seventh generation principle that Indigenous communities have been fostering since time immemorial. Respect for the land, water and creatures is at the heart of everything we do.” (~Christina Chase-Warrier, Director of Programming, Evergreen Theatre) Since 1991, Evergreen Theatre in Calgary has centered its work on education, art, science and community. This OLW

Connecting Youth with Water through Theatre in Alberta Read More »

Alt text: A close-up of the United Nations flag, featuring a white world map surrounded by olive branches, on a light blue background.

Translation: Un gros plan du drapeau des Nations Unies, présentant une carte du monde blanche entourée de branches dolivier sur un fond bleu clair.

UN Water Conference Publications

The following is a list of UN Water Conference publications by OLW members & the broader community: Indigenous Organizations Assembly of First Nationsbulletin, May 2 2023 Métis Nation’sApril issueof the Pemmican Post, Apr 28 2023 Nonprofits, academia & individual leaders International Institute for Sustainable Development’s summary report, Mar 22-24 2023 days 1, 2 & 3 highlights, Mar 22, 23 &

UN Water Conference Publications Read More »

Alt Text: A serene lake scene at sunset with a calm water surface reflecting the sun and wispy clouds in a clear sky. In the foreground, the bow of a boat with deck seating is visible, and the surrounding hills create a peaceful silhouette on the horizon. / Scène sereine dun lac au coucher du soleil avec une surface deau calme reflétant le soleil et des nuages légers dans un ciel clair. Au premier plan, la proue dun bateau avec des sièges de pont est visible, et les collines environnantes forment une silhouette paisible à lhorizon.

The Coalition for Responsible and Sustainable Navigation

Is your organization interested in reducing the impacts of boats on water bodies? A Canada-wide group, the Coalition for Responsible and Sustainable Navigation (Coalition Navigation), recently asked OLW to share its perspective and resources with the Network. Below is the Coalition’s story, prepared by Denise Cloutier (B.B.A., M.Env.): The Issue in a Nutshell: Do you love

The Coalition for Responsible and Sustainable Navigation Read More »

Alt text: A vivid painting depicts ripples on the surface of a body of water. The reflection shows a colorful mix of blues, whites, and reds, with bubbles scattered around a central swirl, creating a dynamic and fluid composition. / Une peinture vive illustre des ondulations à la surface dun plan deau. Le reflet montre un mélange coloré de bleus, de blancs et de rouges, avec des bulles dispersées autour d’un tourbillon central, créant une composition dynamique et fluide.

Amelia Alcock-White Supports Our Living Waters through her ‘Painting for Change’ Project

“This piece is inspired by the view from a kayak. A droplet from the paddle creates circulating ripples radiating outwards to reveal a reflection of the sky above and water’s surface receding into the distance.” ~Amelia Alcock-White, 2022 “Rebound”, 16×20 inches, oil on canvas, © Amelia Alcock-White 2022. Photos 1 to 4 show the painting process

Amelia Alcock-White Supports Our Living Waters through her ‘Painting for Change’ Project Read More »

Aerial view of a large industrial building labeled Centre dinterprétation de leau. The building features a green roof with multiple vents. A pathway leads to the entrance, surrounded by trees and grassy areas. / Vue aérienne dun grand bâtiment industriel portant linscription Centre dinterprétation de leau. Le bâtiment se distingue par un toit végétalisé avec plusieurs évents. Un chemin mène à lentrée, entouré darbres et de zones herbeuses.

Art Touches Our Souls to “Promote the Protection and Responsible Use of Water”

Our Living Waters is featuring stories about member organizations that use art in their work, putting a spotlight on the art and artists involved! This focus on “The Art of Water” aims to: highlight effective ways of driving change; honour the sacredness of water; and centre on Right Relations with Indigenous Peoples and waters in

Art Touches Our Souls to “Promote the Protection and Responsible Use of Water” Read More »

A large, circular piece of fabric art hanging outdoors, featuring hand-drawn maps, symbols, and blue shaded areas resembling water. It is framed against a clear blue sky, with a yellow building and greenery in the background. / Une grande pièce dart en tissu circulaire suspendue à lextérieur, présentant des cartes dessinées à la main, des symboles et des zones ombrées de bleu ressemblant à de leau. Elle est encadrée par un ciel bleu clair avec un bâtiment jaune et de la verdure en arrière-plan.

The Art of Water: Weaving Reciprocal Relations with Water into our June Meetup

Our Living Waters is incorporating art into virtual events by inviting artists to participate at some of our Member Meetups. This focus on The Art of Water aims to: highlight effective ways of driving change; honour the sacredness of water; and centre on Right Relations with Indigenous Peoples and waters in Canada. Betty Carpick’s interdisciplinary

The Art of Water: Weaving Reciprocal Relations with Water into our June Meetup Read More »

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