
Measures the change in traditional media stories on water impacts

It’s important to be transparent that this Shared Measurement System was designed from a non-Indigenous worldview and we recognize that Indigenous ways of knowing are absent from it. For more information on this positioning, see our Right Relations page.

Getting data to report on this impact measure is a work in progress. This Shared Measurement System belongs to all members of the Our Living Water Network, so if you have any data or ideas to share with us on this measure, please send us an email at


Closely aligned with our impact measure on freshwater awareness, tracking media trends and how media is advancing a narrative on freshwater is important to understand.

This research establishes a baseline measure of media trends by analyzing media coverage related to the Our Living Waters impact measures for the years 2007, 2012, 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Media coverage of freshwater issues across Canada indicates an overall decline in coverage of water issues nationally. Cumulative media coverage decreased by 18% over the years studied. Though it is possible that water stories may have increased in years not studied, a general trend downward has appeared. 

During the period studied, OLW impact measures that featured most prominently in the media (in order) included:

  1. Freshwater Awareness
  2. Green Infrastructure
  3. Freshwater Policy

Green Infrastructure was gaining in media attention, peaking at just over 11,000 stories in 2017. This area saw a stark decline in the following two years with only 3,066 stories in 2019. It is possible that this is the result of new terminology around ‘natural infrastructure’ and ‘nature based solutions’ gaining ground.

Percent change in traditional media stories – 2007, 2012, 2017-2019

 % Change (for 2007 baseline)Total Media Stories


Last updated September 2020

Percent change in traditional media stories on water impacts

From a baseline of 31,048 stories in 2007

2012: -3%
2017: -13%
2018: -12%
2019: -18%

Number of traditional media stories on water impacts across Canada

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Note: The data presented here represents our best research given the time and resources at hand. We acknowledge there may be errors. This shared measurement system belongs to all members of the Our Living Water Network, so if you have any corrections for us, or ideas to share on this measure, please send us an email at

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