| Last chance to RSVP for an October 3 webinar at 11 am PDT, 2 pm EDT! Join fellow water leaders from across the country at “The Role of the Canada Water Agency in National Freshwater Collaboration, Featuring CWA and Freshwater Community Perspectives”. You’ll hear from policy experts from the CWA, Forum for Leadership on Water, and the University of Victoria’s POLIS Water Sustainability Project. |
 | Read our impact story to find out how multi-generational, collaborative leadership led to the successful large-scale revitalization of Toronto’s Don River mouth. (This photo and the header photo are © Waterfront Toronto.) |  | Take a look at our second collaborative story on the evolution and strategy of the Ontario Salt Pollution Coalition, which unites nonprofits and concerned individuals to pursue a “roadmap to a less salty future” in the province. |
- OLW’s Bilingual Jobs & Grants Board
- Call for applications: Working Together on Water UNDRIP Approach virtual training and in person gathering for youth aged 20-35 in B.C., Waterlution
- Petition: We Can End Enbridge’s Line 5, End Line 5 Coalition
- Educational resources: Freshwater, Plants, and People Program free lesson plans & virtual modules, Watersheds Canada
- Photo Submissions: Request for photos of Wolastoq (the beautiful river in Wolastoqey), New Brunswick Environmental Network
- Call for applications: Sous les pavés (Under the Pavement, in French) depaving project phase 3, multiple partners, deadlines October 18 (organizations) or November 1 (municipalities)
- Survey: Request for feedback on a proposed “Nouvelle formation dans le cadre de la Mise en œuvre de la Stratégie québécoise d’économie d’eau potable” (New training module as part of the implementation of Quebec’s strategy to save drinking water, in French), Réseau Environnement
- Freshwater awareness resource videos on: “services écologiques” (ecosystem services), “comportements à adopter en embarcation” (boating behaviour), “plantes exotiques envahissantes” (invasive plants), “imperméabilisation des sols” (soil impermeability), and “milieux humides” (wetlands), in French, Agiro
Rebekah Network Communications Lead Our Living Waters |