Our Living Waters 2030 Funds support collaborative efforts for water health

In 2018, we were excited to launch our second round of grants under the Our Living Waters 2030 Fund. In total $97,000 were distributed to Our Living Waters member groups to collaboratively advance progress on at least one of our 24 impact measures. Priorities for the fund were established directly by our members through an annual survey which helps us align member focus across our impact measures given limited funding dollars. (Not an OLW Network member yet? Sign up here).

It’s amazing what a little bit can do! With these funds, Our Living Waters Network members are now working towards the following inspiring outcomes:

  • Positioning fresh water as a priority issue in the lead up to the federal election;
  • Working toward renewal of the Canada Water Act with Indigenous and non-indigenous partners;
  • Advancing the launch of data hubs in the Columbia, Atlantic and Lake Winnipeg regions;
  • Providing tools and support for communities to address sewage problems in their watershed;
  • Working with 18 communities across Canada to advance adoption of transformative green infrastructure programs;
  • Supporting indigenous representation at the 2018 Living Waters Rally; and
  • Helping support 75 water leaders attend a national community based monitoring round-table in Ottawa to advance federal support for citizen science initiatives.

Want to read about the fantastic accomplishments Network members have already made with 2017 grants from the OLW 2030 Fund? Check out these impact stories and be ready to be inspired!

Elevating Community Based Monitoring in Canada: a national discussion

Water Knowledge is Power: supporting community based monitoring in Kaska Dene Territory

One Trillion Reasons to Tackle Combined Sewer Overflows

Communities Advancing Action Plans for Green Infrastructure

Atlantic Canada to Get New Open-Access Data Hub

These stories all highlight that together we can make a difference. Thank you to all members of the freshwater community for doing what you do!  

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