July 2 2024 OLW e-newsletter 



It is with great pleasure that we welcome Natalija Vojno to OLW’s staff team as our Network Engagement Lead. In her own words, Natalija is a water lover, positive peace enthusiast, and systems thinker who enjoys the simpler moments of connection with friends, family, and nature’s relations”. Check out her bio to get to know her more!
Last week we held an OLW Meetup where we presented a prototype Network map showcasing relationships between member organizations across the country. Find out how Network mapping can support collaboration by reading our impact story.



Check out another initiative working to create an interactive map, featuring Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas and Guardians programs across Canada (from the IISAAK OLAM Foundation, Indigenous Leadership Initiative, and Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership).
Sign up to hear about conservation efforts led by Cumberland House Cree Nation and partners to protect Kitaskīnaw (the Saskatchewan River Delta). Watch a mini-doc on this rare inland delta.



Spotlight on Quebec: Too much and too little water aren’t just affecting the west. Take a look at how Quebec is working to modernize and update its flood risk strategy and maps (in French), read about this in English, and consult an OURANOS report (in French) on severe water shortages in the province.
Federally: Check out the results from a pilot program on water monitoring for pesticides that will serve as a model for a national water monitoring framework, and read the Canadian Environmental Law Association’s response to the proposed framework.
Canada on the International Stage: Dive into Canada’s 2024 Annual Report ‘Taking Action Together on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals’. Water is mentioned 16 times and of all the sub-indices, water quality is the only one in decline from 2016 to 2021.







And finally, a warm welcome to Climate Resilient Communities and Conservation Ontario, our newest member organizations!


Network Communications Lead
Our Living Waters


PS: Are you a federal water policy wonk?! There’s lots going on right now to keep you occupied with Bills C-59 given Royal Assent (containing clauses pertaining to the new Canada Water Agency), C-317 in the Senate (on a national flood and drought forecasting strategy), and C-61 still in the House (on First Nations water infrastructure), plus a total of 23 freshwater meetings of the ENVI committee now complete!


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