Howspace: the New Digital Facilitation Tool we’re introducing for you!

Well folks, our working world is increasingly virtual and for most of us, it’s here to stay. On the oh-so-special occasion, we can get together, share space and dream up ideas over a couple of pints. But in reality, we mostly work together through email, shared docs and virtual meeting platforms.

At OLW, we want to make it more interactive and fun! 

Our role in the OLW Network is to bring you, the members, together across time and space; to find creative ways to spark energy and motivation in virtual collaborations. 

Alt Text: Logo with the word Howspace in white lowercase letters on a solid purple background. / Logo avec le mot Howspace en lettres minuscules blanches sur un fond violet uni.

So, we’ve adopted Howspace to help us do just that. Howspace is the only platform designed specifically for facilitators driving change through collaboration. It is a big, powerful tool that comes with a network of change agents around the globe. 

We’re excited to start offering our services to you through Howspace. In time, we think it will really benefit the Network.

We kicked off the platform during an April Pre-conference that the Community-based Water Monitoring Collaborative held, with great success. You can read more about our process of Dreaming Bigger Together through the article that Howspace wrote about the event! Howspace can help us create new momentum and energy, through videos posted on the platform before events and through creative brainstorming sessions together:

**Alt Text:** A woman is speaking in a video thumbnail, set against a lush background of trees and a gently flowing stream. Above her, text reads, Come Breathe Life into Our Dream of a Second CBWM Roundtable. The surrounding webpage is framed by picturesque mountain scenery, giving an inspiring and natural feel to the content. / **Translation in Canadian French:** Une femme parle dans la miniature dune vidéo, se tenant devant un arrière-plan verdoyant composé darbres et dun ruisseau coulant doucement. Au-dessus delle, le texte dit : Venez insuffler de la vie à notre rêve dune deuxième Table Ronde sur les BVCM. La page Web est encadrée par des paysages montagneux pittoresques qui confèrent une sensation inspirante et naturelle au contenu.
Alt Text: Screenshot of an online collaboration platform discussing Co-Creating the Dream for Our Fall Roundtable. The page includes a section on objectives with contributions from users, some written in English and others in French, accompanied by like and share options. / Capture décran dune plate-forme de collaboration en ligne discutant de Co-créer le rêve pour notre table ronde dautomne. La page comprend une section sur les objectifs avec des contributions dutilisateurs, certaines écrites en anglais et dautres en français, accompagnées des options aimer et partager.

So look out for an invitation to join us in Howspace if you attend one of our Member’s Meetups, Teams meetings, or events. We look forward to hosting more fun Network events in the coming year!

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