| Fill out OLW’s Annual Survey (5-10 mins) to help create a free interactive tool that will map our Network and highlight collaboration across the country. | | Read our story on OLW’s collective ‘net’-work: taking one step at a time towards refreshing and re-energizing the Network’s common agenda. |
| Check out our story on the Regroupement des organismes de bassins versants du Québec to learn how this Quebec-based network enables its 40 watershed organizations to collaborate through member-led communities of practice. | | Take a look at a report and video showcasing innovative collaborative drought management practices that incorporate Indigenous and Western knowledge (POLIS Water Sustainability Project, BC Water Legacy, Nicola Watershed Governance Partnership). |
WINDOW ON WATER POLICY & GOVERNANCE A federal update since January– The House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development has held 16 meetings exploring freshwater and received 32 briefs on the topic.
- Women & Water virtual panel discussion, Water First, Mar. 8
- siwłkʷ (WATER) Environmental Flows Conference, Canadian Water Resources Association & Okanagan Water Board, Mar. 13-15, Kelowna B.C.
- Tribune des municipalités: La recherche et l’innovation pour une gestion durable des eaux pluviales municipales (Research and innovation for sustainable municipal stormwater management, in French) virtual municipal forum, CentrEau, Mar. 15
- Changing Course World Water Day film screening & conversation, POLIS Water Sustainability Project, Mar. 21, Victoria B.C. or virtual
- Letter writing calls to action:
- Article submissions to Summer 2024 Issue, Plan Canada & Canadian Water Network, deadline Mar. 8
- Nominations for National First Nations Water Leadership Award, Indigenous Services Canada, deadline Mar. 31
- Podcast episodes:
- Technical, project management, science education & administrative jobs (in French), Quebec:
- Technical, research & communications jobs, Ducks Unlimited Canada, multiple locations
- EcoAction Community Funding Program highlighting freshwater as a key priority, Environment and Climate Change Canada, deadline Mar. 22
- Great Lakes basin grants, Freshwater Future, deadline Mar. 30
- Generation of Environmental Leaders youth grants to preserve our shared waters, lands and air, Commission for Environmental Cooperation, deadline Mar. 31
Rebekah Network Communications Lead Our Living Waters |