Impact Stories

Alt text: Panoramic view of a scenic waterfront with greenery and colorful trees. A historic building with a distinctive clock tower sits on a hill overlooking the water. The sky is partly cloudy, adding depth to the horizon. / Vue panoramique dun bord de mer pittoresque avec de la verdure et des arbres colorés. Un bâtiment historique avec une tour dhorloge distinctive se trouve sur une colline surplombant leau. Le ciel est partiellement nuageux, ajoutant de la profondeur à lhorizon.

Radical renewal of Canada’s Water Act necessary

On April 11, 2019, a wide range of people united by their common concern for Canada’s water future – water and climate scientists, policy experts, legislators, and water decision rights-holders and stakeholders – gathered in Ottawa to discuss solutions for Canada’s emerging water crisis. The event featured a beautiful venue, distinguished panel, and attendance by […]

Radical renewal of Canada’s Water Act necessary Read More »

Alt text: A construction vehicle with a metal arm and bucket is breaking up chunks of asphalt and concrete, creating a pile of rubble on a work site. The ground is covered with broken pieces of road material. / Une véhicule de construction avec un bras métallique et un godet détruit des morceaux dasphalte et de béton, créant une pile de débris sur un chantier. Le sol est couvert de morceaux brisés de matériau routier.

Depaving paradise in Atlantic Canada

The Town of Sackville, New Brunswick prides itself on their proximity to Tantramar marshes, the Bay of Fundy and the suite of nature-based recreational opportunities available. A University town, the community has a self-described cosmopolitan, artistic and pedestrian-friendly vibe. EOS Eco-Energy has been active in Sackville and the surrounding Memramcook-Tantramar region for more than 15 years. 

Depaving paradise in Atlantic Canada Read More »

Alt text: Three people gardening in a landscaped area. Curved gravel paths wind through freshly planted greenery and flowering plants. Lush trees and greenery are in the background. / Trois personnes jardinent dans un espace aménagé. Des sentiers de gravier courbés serpentent à travers des plantes fraîches et des plantes à fleurs récemment plantées. Des arbres luxuriants et une abondance de verdure se trouvent en arrière-plan.

Shediac Bay filling green infrastructure toolbox

Famous for warm beaches and enormous lobsters, Shediac Bay has strong connections to water.  Situated on the Northumberland Strait off the Atlantic Ocean, the shoreline communities around Shediac Bay enjoy a stunning backdrop of coastal islands, lighthouses and beaches.  The people who live and work in the Shediac Bay area care deeply about their local

Shediac Bay filling green infrastructure toolbox Read More »

**Alt Text:** A small garden with tall green plants is surrounded by rocks on a grassy lawn. A wooden post holds a sign with text and images about the garden. The background features a wide, grassy field. / Un petit jardin avec de grandes plantes vertes est entouré de rochers sur une pelouse verte. Un poteau en bois porte un panneau avec du texte et des images sur le jardin. Larrière-plan présente un vaste champ herbeux.

Green Infrastructure projects welcomed in Saint John

Beautifully situated on the Bay of Fundy, the historic city of Saint John is home to over 70,000 people. While it’s a progressive urban centre with strong connections to nature and water, the value of green infrastructure is still relatively unknown in the community. That’s why ACAP Saint John chose to undertake the installation of Saint John’s

Green Infrastructure projects welcomed in Saint John Read More »

Alt text: A peaceful landscape featuring a bridge with a rocky tunnel over a calm lake. Trees with autumn foliage surround the area, and a wooden platform overlooks the water under a clear blue sky. / Un paysage paisible présentant un pont avec un tunnel rocheux au-dessus dun lac calme. Des arbres aux feuillages dautomne entourent la zone, et une plateforme en bois surplombe leau sous un ciel bleu clair.

A Green Infrastructure Tour of the Courtenay River

The K’omoks Estuary is a special place in the Comox Valley in British Columbia.  Majestic Sitka spruce forests, Garry oak ecosystems and extensive tidal flats are home to a variety of birds, fish and other wildlife.  The area has a rich Indigenous history, most notably an abundance of well-preserved wooden stakes that make up ancient

A Green Infrastructure Tour of the Courtenay River Read More »

Alt text: Panoramic view of a scenic waterfront with greenery and colorful trees. A historic building with a distinctive clock tower sits on a hill overlooking the water. The sky is partly cloudy, adding depth to the horizon. / Vue panoramique dun bord de mer pittoresque avec de la verdure et des arbres colorés. Un bâtiment historique avec une tour dhorloge distinctive se trouve sur une colline surplombant leau. Le ciel est partiellement nuageux, ajoutant de la profondeur à lhorizon.

Network Priorities for Canada’s new Government

In the lead up to the election, we asked Our Living Waters members what they’d be looking for in a new federal mandate that placed water as a priority. We have compiled that analysis into these 5 priorities for the new Federal Government.   Solve drinking-water crisis across Canadian First Nations communities. It’s almost 2020 after all

Network Priorities for Canada’s new Government Read More »

Alt Text: A grid displaying icons and numbers for various sustainable development goals, each in a different colored square. The bottom right corner features the text Sustainable Development Goals with a globe icon. / Une grille affichant des icônes et des numéros pour divers objectifs de développement durable, chacun dans un carré de couleur différente. Dans le coin inférieur droit, le texte Objectifs de développement durable est accompagné dune icône de globe.

OLW and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This global agenda aims to catalyze actions necessary for humans to live sustainably with each other and the planet by focusing on a variety of thematic areas including people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership. To inspire action, 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been developed and specific

OLW and the UN Sustainable Development Goals Read More »

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