Impact Stories

Alt Text: A group of people in colorful costumes, including animals and characters, pose in a gymnasium with scenic nature backdrops of mountains and a lake. They are standing in a line, smiling and playful, with a bright atmosphere. 

Translation: Un groupe de personnes en costumes colorés, comprenant des animaux et des personnages, pose dans un gymnase avec des décors naturels pittoresques de montagnes et dun lac. Ils se tiennent en ligne, souriants et ludiques, dans une ambiance lumineuse./Un groupe de personnes en costumes colorés, comprenant des animaux et des personnages, pose dans un gymnase avec des décors naturels pittoresques de montagnes et dun lac. Ils se tiennent en ligne, souriants et ludiques, dans une ambiance lumineuse.

Connecting Youth with Water through Theatre in Alberta

“The work we do connects with the seventh generation principle that Indigenous communities have been fostering since time immemorial. Respect for the land, water and creatures is at the heart of everything we do.” (~Christina Chase-Warrier, Director of Programming, Evergreen Theatre) Since 1991, Evergreen Theatre in Calgary has centered its work on education, art, science and community. This OLW […]

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Alt text: Four people are sitting on a bench, laughing and enjoying each others company. One person is playfully shielding their face, while the others are engaged in the moment. The background features greenery and a building.

Four people are sitting on a bench, laughing and enjoying each others company. One person is playfully shielding their face, while the others are engaged in the moment. The background features greenery and a building. / Quatre personnes sont assises sur un banc, riant et appréciant la compagnie des unes et des autres. Une personne protège leur visage de manière ludique tandis que les autres profitent du moment présent. À larrière-plan, il y a de la verdure et un bâtiment.

OLW is Punny!

Here are the water puns, jokes and idioms you shared through the 2022-23 annual Network survey — in both official languages. English Barely keeping “afloat” processing my WQ data… Best fishes (as an email sign off). Bucket half full… Downstream effects, high water mark. Getting your sea legs! How did the raindrop ask another raindrop on

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A vibrant garden features a raised bed filled with various colorful sedum plants, displaying shades of green, yellow, and red. The lush background includes more greenery and a neatly trimmed hedge. / Un jardin éclatant présente une plate-bande surélevée remplie de diverses plantes sédum colorées, affichant des tons de vert, jaune et rouge. Larrière-plan luxuriant comprend davantage de verdure et une haie soigneusement taillée.

Celebrating the Evolution of the Green Infrastructure Community of Practice

Teams are where the magic happens at Our Living Waters! They are collaborative forums where OLW Network members convene to drive action on a shared water goal. Teams are where change feels possible in the Network… but change takes time. Here, we’ve designed a Green Infrastructure Community of Practice timeline to visualize how this Team’s story

Celebrating the Evolution of the Green Infrastructure Community of Practice Read More »

Alt text: A close-up of the United Nations flag, featuring a white world map surrounded by olive branches, on a light blue background.

Translation: Un gros plan du drapeau des Nations Unies, présentant une carte du monde blanche entourée de branches dolivier sur un fond bleu clair.

UN Water Conference Publications

The following is a list of UN Water Conference publications by OLW members & the broader community: Indigenous Organizations Assembly of First Nationsbulletin, May 2 2023 Métis Nation’sApril issueof the Pemmican Post, Apr 28 2023 Nonprofits, academia & individual leaders International Institute for Sustainable Development’s summary report, Mar 22-24 2023 days 1, 2 & 3 highlights, Mar 22, 23 &

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Alt Text: A serene lake scene at sunset with a calm water surface reflecting the sun and wispy clouds in a clear sky. In the foreground, the bow of a boat with deck seating is visible, and the surrounding hills create a peaceful silhouette on the horizon. / Scène sereine dun lac au coucher du soleil avec une surface deau calme reflétant le soleil et des nuages légers dans un ciel clair. Au premier plan, la proue dun bateau avec des sièges de pont est visible, et les collines environnantes forment une silhouette paisible à lhorizon.

The Coalition for Responsible and Sustainable Navigation

Is your organization interested in reducing the impacts of boats on water bodies? A Canada-wide group, the Coalition for Responsible and Sustainable Navigation (Coalition Navigation), recently asked OLW to share its perspective and resources with the Network. Below is the Coalition’s story, prepared by Denise Cloutier (B.B.A., M.Env.): The Issue in a Nutshell: Do you love

The Coalition for Responsible and Sustainable Navigation Read More »

Alt text: A person wearing a blue jacket and hat stands in knee-deep water, holding a measuring stick and notepad. Aquatic plants surround them under a cloudy sky, with dense greenery forming the background. / Traduction en français canadien : Une personne portant une veste bleue et un chapeau se tient dans leau jusquaux genoux, tenant une tige de mesure et un carnet de notes. Elle est entourée de plantes aquatiques sous un ciel nuageux, avec une végétation dense à larrière-plan.

A New Phase for the Community-Based Water Monitoring Collaborative

Teams are where the magic happens at Our Living Waters!They are collaborative forums where OLW Network members convene to drive action on a shared water goal. Teams are where change feels possible in the Network… but change takes time. Here, we’ve designed a Community-Based Water Monitoring Collaborative timeline to visualize how this Team has evolved since

A New Phase for the Community-Based Water Monitoring Collaborative Read More »

Alt text: A small waterfall cascades over smooth, moss-covered rocks, surrounded by lush greenery. The flowing water creates a soft, misty appearance as it descends into a rocky stream below. / Une petite cascade déferle sur des rochers lisses couverts de mousse, entourée dune végétation luxuriante. Leau qui coule crée une apparence douce et brumeuse en descendant dans un ruisseau rocheux en contrebas.

An Invitation for Watershed Organizations to Connect

Did you know that almost 40% of Our Living Waters’ member organizations are local nonprofits — and most of these are watershed organizations? While each one represents a unique place and has specific priorities, these groups share a deep-rooted care for water. Their local work is long-term, challenging, and requires dedication and commitment. Meet the folks at

An Invitation for Watershed Organizations to Connect Read More »

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