
Alt text: A view of the Canadian Parliament buildings on Parliament Hill, Ottawa, reflected in the calm waters of the Ottawa River. The sky is overcast with hints of sunset colors. The landscape is lush with green trees. / Une vue des édifices du Parlement canadien sur la Colline du Parlement à Ottawa, se reflétant dans les eaux calmes de la rivière des Outaouais. Le ciel est couvert avec des touches de couleurs de coucher de soleil. Le paysage est riche en arbres verts.

Our Living Waters Offers Government Relations Training!

We’ve heard from several OLW Network members – and OLW staff – that figuring out how Ottawa works is intimidating! And, that it’s a major barrier to getting involved in water advocacy. We want to minimize this feeling as best we can, by laying out all the relevant information. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce

Our Living Waters Offers Government Relations Training! Read More »

Aerial view of a large industrial building labeled Centre dinterprétation de leau. The building features a green roof with multiple vents. A pathway leads to the entrance, surrounded by trees and grassy areas. / Vue aérienne dun grand bâtiment industriel portant linscription Centre dinterprétation de leau. Le bâtiment se distingue par un toit végétalisé avec plusieurs évents. Un chemin mène à lentrée, entouré darbres et de zones herbeuses.

Art Touches Our Souls to “Promote the Protection and Responsible Use of Water”

Our Living Waters is featuring stories about member organizations that use art in their work, putting a spotlight on the art and artists involved! This focus on “The Art of Water” aims to: highlight effective ways of driving change; honour the sacredness of water; and centre on Right Relations with Indigenous Peoples and waters in

Art Touches Our Souls to “Promote the Protection and Responsible Use of Water” Read More »

A large, circular piece of fabric art hanging outdoors, featuring hand-drawn maps, symbols, and blue shaded areas resembling water. It is framed against a clear blue sky, with a yellow building and greenery in the background. / Une grande pièce dart en tissu circulaire suspendue à lextérieur, présentant des cartes dessinées à la main, des symboles et des zones ombrées de bleu ressemblant à de leau. Elle est encadrée par un ciel bleu clair avec un bâtiment jaune et de la verdure en arrière-plan.

The Art of Water: Weaving Reciprocal Relations with Water into our June Meetup

Our Living Waters is incorporating art into virtual events by inviting artists to participate at some of our Member Meetups. This focus on The Art of Water aims to: highlight effective ways of driving change; honour the sacredness of water; and centre on Right Relations with Indigenous Peoples and waters in Canada. Betty Carpick’s interdisciplinary

The Art of Water: Weaving Reciprocal Relations with Water into our June Meetup Read More »

Alt text: A diverse group of people standing in a circle, extending their hands towards the center, symbolizing unity and teamwork. The background is a bright yellow. / Un groupe divers de personnes se tenant en cercle, tendant leurs mains vers le centre, symbolisant lunité et le travail déquipe. Le fond est dun jaune éclatant.

Howspace: the New Digital Facilitation Tool we’re introducing for you!

Well folks, our working world is increasingly virtual and for most of us, it’s here to stay. On the oh-so-special occasion, we can get together, share space and dream up ideas over a couple of pints. But in reality, we mostly work together through email, shared docs and virtual meeting platforms. At OLW, we want

Howspace: the New Digital Facilitation Tool we’re introducing for you! Read More »

Alt text: A lush, green rooftop garden covers a series of sloping, domed structures under a clear blue sky. Glass skylights protrude from the vegetation. In the background, trees and part of a building are visible. 

Translation: Un jardin verdoyant et luxuriant recouvre une série de structures en dôme inclinées sous un ciel bleu clair. Des puits de lumière en verre émergent de la végétation. En arrière-plan, des arbres et une partie dun bâtiment sont visibles./.

The Living Cities Canada Project: Lessons Learned from a Virtual, pan-Canadian Forum

How can cities across Canada advance equitable, abundant and thriving green infrastructure (GI)? That’s the challenge that OLW member, Green Communities Canada (GCC), has been working to address with their Living Cities Canada: Green For All project. The project emerged from the collaborative work of the Green Infrastructure Community of Practice, an OLW Team, and is now supported by

The Living Cities Canada Project: Lessons Learned from a Virtual, pan-Canadian Forum Read More »

Alt text: A 3D map of Canada in varying shades of blue highlighting provincial and territorial borders. Territories are depicted in a darker hue than some southern provinces, with a focus on geographic outlines and perspectives. / Carte en 3D du Canada dans une gamme de bleus, soulignant les frontières provinciales et territoriales. Les territoires sont représentés dans une teinte plus sombre que certaines provinces du sud, mettant laccent sur les contours et les perspectives géographiques.

Annual Network Priorities and Feedback for 2022

Since the Our Living Waters Network first took form in 2016, membership has grown to 157, including 117 organizations and 40 individuals, with a Shared Measurement System of 24 impact measures to track progress on our ambitious goal of all waters in good health by 2030! Each year, members inform our Network priorities through the Annual Survey. This

Annual Network Priorities and Feedback for 2022 Read More »

Alt text: Hands cupped together catching water droplets, with a blurred background of greenery and soft sunlight. / Mains en coupe recueillant des gouttes deau, avec un arrière-plan flou de verdure et une douce lumière du soleil.

A Gift of Learning about Working with Indigenous Partners

In early April, the Community-Based Water Monitoring Collaborative and other freshwater community members interested in First Nations principles of ownership, control, access and possession (OCAP) had the privilege of spending an afternoon with Aaron Jones from Ketegaunseebee (Garden River First Nation) Lands & Resources Department and Dr. Elaine Ho-Tassone from Algoma University. Aaron and Elaine shared their experiences monitoring watersheds

A Gift of Learning about Working with Indigenous Partners Read More »

A wide view of a majestic waterfall with turquoise water cascading over a cliff, creating mist at the base. The horizon shows a clear blue sky and lush greenery on the banks. / Une vue large dune majestueuse chute deau avec une eau turquoise dévalant une falaise, créant une brume à la base. À lhorizon, un ciel bleu clair et une végétation luxuriante sur les rives.

Water Policy Updates from the Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters

Since the Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters (CCHW) took shape last year, it has been making a real impact through federal advocacy for freshwater health! Now at 56 members, the CCHW is setting the stage to advocate for policy change. In mid-January, the CCHW sent a letter with 31 signatures from Coalition members to Minister Guilbeault outlining three

Water Policy Updates from the Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters Read More »

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