
Three people are standing on a rocky shoreline with the ocean in the background. They are dressed in jackets, smiling, and enjoying a clear, sunny day with clouds on the horizon. / Trois personnes se tiennent sur un littoral rocheux avec locéan en arrière-plan. Elles portent des vestes, sourient et profitent dune journée claire et ensoleillée avec des nuages à lhorizon.

The Story of OLW from Andrew’s Perspective

Andrew Stegemann, National Director until October 2023, wrote this story before leaving Our Living Waters to start a new chapter. Thank you, Andrew, for your dedication and leadership! Like interconnected watersheds, water groups across the country exist side by side. But, where watersheds naturally interact—their mighty rivers merging and cool groundwater feeding the whole system—organizations […]

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Alt text: A large body of water with slight ripples in the foreground, surrounded by forested hills under a cloudy sky. In the distance, industrial buildings are visible on the shoreline. / Un vaste plan deau avec de légères ondulations au premier plan, entouré de collines boisées sous un ciel nuageux. Au loin, des bâtiments industriels sont visibles sur le rivage.

Ottawa Riverkeeper takes on Freshwater Advocacy for Radioactive Waste Management

Ottawa Riverkeeper is an OLW member organization that acts as a “champion and collective voice for the Ottawa River watershed.” This piece, written by Matthew Brocklehurst (Communications Manager) and Larissa Holman (Director of Science and Policy), showcases the organization’s freshwater advocacy on a specific issue. Nuclear Waste presents a unique challenge for freshwater policy and protection. Not only

Ottawa Riverkeeper takes on Freshwater Advocacy for Radioactive Waste Management Read More »

Alt text: A group of red sockeye salmon swim underwater in clear, greenish water. They glide over a rocky riverbed, displaying their vibrant red bodies and dark green heads. The image captures the fish from a side angle as they move together. / Un groupe de saumons rouges sockeye nage sous leau dans une eau claire et verdâtre. Ils glissent sur un lit de rivière rocheux, affichant leurs corps rouges vibrants et leurs têtes vert foncé. Limage capture les poissons de côté alors quils se déplacent ensemble.

Building a Strong BC Watershed Security Coalition: A Leader’s Perspective

A Story of Collaborative Success “How do we make investing in our watersheds a political priority?”  As Coree Tull recalls, that’s the question a group of freshwater advocates coalesced around when the BC Watershed Security Coalition started. The work began in April 2020 as the pandemic hit full force. Coree remembers that “a group of us working on

Building a Strong BC Watershed Security Coalition: A Leader’s Perspective Read More »

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