Amelia Alcock-White Supports Our Living Waters through her ‘Painting for Change’ Project

“This piece is inspired by the view from a kayak. A droplet from the paddle creates circulating ripples radiating outwards to reveal a reflection of the sky above and water’s surface receding into the distance.” ~Amelia Alcock-White, 2022

**Alt Text:** A woman is seen in several scenes diligently painting a canvas. Her artwork captures the intricate details of rippling water, reflecting the hues and textures of the sky above. The sequence artistically narrates her creative journey, from initial brushstrokes to final touches. Eventually, the completed painting is elegantly displayed in a gallery setting, highlighting her artistic accomplishment.

**Canadian French Translation:** Une femme est vue dans plusieurs scènes en train de peindre avec soin une toile. Son œuvre illustre les détails complexes de leau ondulante et reflète les teintes et textures du ciel au-dessus. La séquence raconte artistiquement son cheminement créatif, des premiers coups de pinceau aux touches finales. Finalement, le tableau terminé est élégamment exposé dans un cadre de galerie, mettant en valeur son accomplissement artistique.

“Rebound”, 16×20 inches, oil on canvas, © Amelia Alcock-White 2022. Photos 1 to 4 show the painting process in her studio and in the Petley Jones Gallery throughout the month of October 2022. The larger photo is the final work.

Amelia raised $1000 in support of Our Living Waters through her “Painting for Change” project! Thank you to Amelia and the buyer who acquired “Rebound” at the end of a silent auction on October 28th at the Petley Jones Gallery in Vancouver. 

Amelia’s ongoing “Painting for Change” project directly benefits different conservation initiatives. Amelia chose to support Our Living Waters because her work aligns with the values we espouse as a Network. In her artist statement, Amelia describes: “The irregular ellipses of flattened colour, abstract patterns and highlighted surface reflections try to evoke a reverence for the mystery and importance of water, our natural world, its fragility and precariousness.”

Our OLW staff team of three, who all love being out on the water, all feel Amelia couldn’t have chosen a more appropriate painting.

When he saw the work, Andrew, OLW’s director, reacted, “As someone who loves being in a kayak on the water, I can definitely relate to watching that little water drop fall off the blade of the paddle into the water. It makes me so content.”

Taylor, our OLW facilitator, added, “Water ripples comfort me with their symmetry and movement; this painting captures the healing power water has as it moves through surroundings.”

For my part, it reminded me of a line from a well known poem by E. Pauline Johnson“For soft is the song my paddle sings.”

Thank you Amelia! We are so grateful for your efforts in support of Our Living Waters. If you want to explore more of Amelia’s work, take a look at her website and sign up for her newsletter.

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