This past spring, as we all began exploring new world realities amidst the early days of Covid-19, the Our Living Waters Network finalized and established our annual priorities for the coming year. As with everything post March 2020, these priorities are in constant flux, with new opportunities and challenges emerging as a result of the past six months. Be that as it may, based on the responses of the OLW membership, these 5 priorities emerged to guide our collaborative work together this year.
Lots of work on the go.
Our Federal Water Strategy Team is working to advance the uptake of accessible and transparent data to inform decision-making.
The Green Infrastructure Community of Practice continues its efforts in driving collaboration across communities that are advancing nature based solutions to climate change, flooding and run-off pollution.
We renewed support to educate local champions in cities with combined sewer overflows (CSO) how to monitor and advocate for their watershed.
We are enabling OLW Member groups to review and assess the state of watershed entities and plans across Canada.
In light of Covid-19 and national calls for a Green Recovery, we have also embarked on an effort to advance federal support for watershed security efforts within its covid recovery. We expect this work to continue into the fall and through to budget proposals in 2021.