Imagine a Canada where all waters are in good health.

The Our Living Waters Network is for groups who work towards freshwater health and believe in the power of working together. Join today (it’s free!) to learn about Network activities, follow top stories, and be invited to get more involved! 

Shared Measurement

Learn more about how we are reaching our ambitious goal of all waters in Canada in good health by 2030
Gray circular chart icon with five vertical bars in the center, representing a bar graph. The circle is segmented into four sections, with varying widths, mimicking a stylized pie chart layout. Icône de graphique circulaire grise avec cinq barres verticales au centre, représentant un graphique à barres. Le cercle est segmenté en quatre sections de largeurs variées, imitant la mise en page dun diagramme circulaire stylisé.

How are we doing?

Explore the indicators that measure water health.

An icon depicting a dotted path between two location markers, indicating a route or journey. The markers are represented by pin shapes at each end of the curved path. // Une icône représentant un chemin en pointillés entre deux marqueurs de localisation, indiquant un itinéraire ou un voyage. Les marqueurs sont représentés par des formes dépingle à chaque extrémité du chemin courbé.

How do we get there?

Learn about the impact measures that drive our activities.

Impact Stories

Watersheds Canada and Canadian Wildlife Federation Offer ‘Love Your Lake’ Program Together for Over a Decade

The Alberta WaterPortal launches nationwide charity, the Canada WaterPortal Society

A Watershed Moment in New Brunswick

The Role of the Canada Water Agency (CWA) in National Freshwater Collaboration

Safeguarding Our Watersheds: The Role of Land Trusts in Canada’s Water Future

Our Members

Our Living Waters Network members are united by the ambitious goal of all waters in Canada in good health by 2030.

Are you interested in joining this incredible (and fun!) group of water champions?? Join our network.


ACAP Saint John

Adopte un lac

Aiding Dramatic Change in Development

Alberta WaterPortal Society

Alberta Wilderness Association

Alliance of Canadian Land Trusts


Aqua Health Products

Aquality Environmental Consulting Ltd.

Arrimage.Com Inc.

Athabasca Watershed Council

Atlantic Water Network

Battle River Watershed Alliance

BC Water Legacy

Bighill Creek Preservation Society

Birds Canada

Blood Tribe

Blue Lion Labs

British Columbia Conservation Foundation

Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society – Southern Alberta Chapter

Canadian Wildlife Federation

Carrot River Valley Watershed Association


Centre d’écologie urbaine

Centre d’interprétation de l’eau

Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources CIER

City of Calgary

City of Charlottetown

Climate Resilient Communities

Comité ZIP Jacques-Cartier


Conseil de gestion du bassin versant de la rivière Restigouche

Conseil du bassin versant de la région de Vaudreuil-Soulanges (COBAVER-VS)

Conservation Council of New Brunswick

Conservation Ontario

Coquitlam River Watershed Roundtable

Corporation du bassin de la Jacques-Cartier

COVABAR (Organisme de bassin versant Richelieu et zone Saint-Laurent)

DataStream Initiative

Delta N-90 Trappers

Dragonfly Ventures

Ducks Unlimited Canada

Ecology Action Centre

Ecorana Environmental Ltd.



Elbow River Watershed Partnership

Environmental Defence

Environment Funders Canada

EOS Eco Energy

Evergreen Theatre

False Creek Friends Society

First Nations Fisheries Council of BC

Fondation de Gaspé Beaubien

Fondation Rivières


Forum for Leadership on Water (FLOW)

Fraser Basin Council

Freshwater Future

Friends of Second Marsh

G3E – Groupe d’éducation et d’écosurveillance de l’eau

Gault Nature Reserve

GPI Atlantic

Green Communities Canada

Green Roofs For Healthy Cities

Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation

International Institute for Sustainable Development

International Secretariat for Water

Junction Creek Stewardship Committee


Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper

Lake Windermere Ambassadors

Lake Winnipeg Foundation

Land Based Learning

Lesser Slave Watershed Council

Living Lakes Canada

Lower Qu’Appelle Watershed Stewards

Lower Trent Conservation


Manitoba Association of Watersheds

Manitoba Eco-Network

Maritime Aboriginal Peoples Council

Morice Watershed Monitoring Trust

Muskoka Watershed Council

Nashwaak Watershed Association

Niagara Coastal Community Collaborative

Northern Confluence

Nova Scotia Nature Trust

Okanagan Basin Water Board

Oldman Watershed Council

Olds College

One Cowichan

Ontario Headwaters Institute

Organisme de bassins versants de Kamouraska, L’Islet et Rivière-du-Loup (OBAKIR)

Organisme de bassins versants de la zone du Chêne

Organisme de bassins versants des rivières Rouge, Petite Nation et Saumon

Organisme de bassin versant de la Yamaska

Organisme de bassin versant du Saguenay

Organisme de bassin versant Matapédia-Restigouche

Organisme des bassins versants de la Capitale

Organisme des bassins versants de la Haute-Côte Nord

Organisme des bassins versants du Nord-Est du Bas Saint-Laurent

PEI Watershed Alliance

Petitcodiac Watershed Alliance

Pigeon Lake Watershed Association

POLIS Water Sustainability Project

Quinte Conservation

Real Estate Foundation of BC

Red Deer River Watershed Alliance

Re-imagining Atlantic Harbours

Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition

Resilient Waters


Rivershed Society of BC

Rivers Without Borders Canada

ROBVQ – Regroupement des organismes de bassins versants du Québec

Save the River / Upper St. Lawrence Riverkeeper

Sitka Foundation

Skeena Knowledge Trust

Souris and Area Branch of the PEI Wildlife Federation

South East Alberta Watershed Alliance

Stewardship Centre for BC

Sunshine Coast Streamkeepers Society

Swim Drink Fish

Synapse Strategies, Inc.

T Buck Suzuki Foundation

Tesera Systems Inc.

The Council of Canadians

The WaterWealth Project

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority

Toronto Green Community

U-Links Centre for Community Based Research


Water Rangers

Watersheds BC

Watersheds Canada

Watershed Watch Salmon Society

Water Watchers



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