
A winding river surrounded by lush green grass and shrubs, with sandbanks along the river’s edge and a backdrop of rolling hills under a partly cloudy sky. // Une rivière sinueuse entourée d’herbe verte luxuriante et d’arbustes, avec des bancs de sable le long des berges et des collines vallonnées en arrière-plan sous un ciel partiellement nuageux.

The Alberta WaterPortal launches nationwide charity, the Canada WaterPortal Society

We’re live! The Canada WaterPortal started as the Alberta WaterPortal in 2006 and began as an Alberta-focused response to an Alberta-wide water management strategy, “Water for Life”, first released that year. With a mission of educating and informing people about the value of water as a vital resource, we have been providing objective, grounded information […]

The Alberta WaterPortal launches nationwide charity, the Canada WaterPortal Society Read More »

A snow-cleared pathway sprinkled with rock salt, surrounded by piles of snow, leading towards a wooden fence in the background.

The Ontario Salt Pollution Coalition

It takes “humility, care, and flexibility” for a diverse group of people to form a successful coalition…with some campaigning and facilitation skills thrown in the mix to turn plans into action! Dani Lindamood, Programs Director at Water Watchers, currently facilitates the Ontario Salt Pollution Coalition (OSPC). The OSPC unites nonprofits and concerned individuals to advocate for a “provincial

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Alt text: A close-up of the United Nations flag, featuring a white world map surrounded by olive branches, on a light blue background.

Translation: Un gros plan du drapeau des Nations Unies, présentant une carte du monde blanche entourée de branches dolivier sur un fond bleu clair.

UN Water Conference Publications

The following is a list of UN Water Conference publications by OLW members & the broader community: Indigenous Organizations Assembly of First Nationsbulletin, May 2 2023 Métis Nation’sApril issueof the Pemmican Post, Apr 28 2023 Nonprofits, academia & individual leaders International Institute for Sustainable Development’s summary report, Mar 22-24 2023 days 1, 2 & 3 highlights, Mar 22, 23 &

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Alt Text: A grid displaying icons and numbers for various sustainable development goals, each in a different colored square. The bottom right corner features the text Sustainable Development Goals with a globe icon. / Une grille affichant des icônes et des numéros pour divers objectifs de développement durable, chacun dans un carré de couleur différente. Dans le coin inférieur droit, le texte Objectifs de développement durable est accompagné dune icône de globe.

OLW and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This global agenda aims to catalyze actions necessary for humans to live sustainably with each other and the planet by focusing on a variety of thematic areas including people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership. To inspire action, 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been developed and specific

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