Enforceable Water Quality Standards

A snow-cleared pathway sprinkled with rock salt, surrounded by piles of snow, leading towards a wooden fence in the background.

The Ontario Salt Pollution Coalition

It takes “humility, care, and flexibility” for a diverse group of people to form a successful coalition…with some campaigning and facilitation skills thrown in the mix to turn plans into action! Dani Lindamood, Programs Director at Water Watchers, currently facilitates the Ontario Salt Pollution Coalition (OSPC). The OSPC unites nonprofits and concerned individuals to advocate for a “provincial […]

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Alt Text: A grid displaying icons and numbers for various sustainable development goals, each in a different colored square. The bottom right corner features the text Sustainable Development Goals with a globe icon. / Une grille affichant des icônes et des numéros pour divers objectifs de développement durable, chacun dans un carré de couleur différente. Dans le coin inférieur droit, le texte Objectifs de développement durable est accompagné dune icône de globe.

OLW and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This global agenda aims to catalyze actions necessary for humans to live sustainably with each other and the planet by focusing on a variety of thematic areas including people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership. To inspire action, 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been developed and specific

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Alt text: Stacks of coins are arranged in ascending order next to a glass jar filled with coins. A small green plant sprouts from the jar, set against a blurred green background, symbolizing growth and financial investment.

Canadian French Translation: Des piles de pièces sont disposées en ordre croissant à côté dun pot en verre rempli de pièces. Une petite plante verte pousse du pot, sur un fond vert flou, symbolisant la croissance et linvestissement financier./Des piles de pièces sont disposées en ordre croissant à côté dun pot en verre rempli de pièces. Une petite plante verte pousse du pot, sur un fond vert flou, symbolisant la croissance et linvestissement financier.

Our Living Waters 2030 Funds support collaborative efforts for water health

In 2018, we were excited to launch our second round of grants under the Our Living Waters 2030 Fund. In total $97,000 were distributed to Our Living Waters member groups to collaboratively advance progress on at least one of our 24 impact measures. Priorities for the fund were established directly by our members through an

Our Living Waters 2030 Funds support collaborative efforts for water health Read More »

Alt text: Panoramic view of a scenic waterfront with greenery and colorful trees. A historic building with a distinctive clock tower sits on a hill overlooking the water. The sky is partly cloudy, adding depth to the horizon. / Vue panoramique dun bord de mer pittoresque avec de la verdure et des arbres colorés. Un bâtiment historique avec une tour dhorloge distinctive se trouve sur une colline surplombant leau. Le ciel est partiellement nuageux, ajoutant de la profondeur à lhorizon.

Senate on the line to review amendments to Fisheries Act

Bill C-68, which will modernize Canada’s Fisheries Act, is in the final, critical stages of the legislative process. After three years of public engagement, consultation with diverse stakeholders and interests, and deliberation by elected officials, we have a strong bill that goes a long way to delivering on the mandate issued by the Prime Minister to

Senate on the line to review amendments to Fisheries Act Read More »

Alt text: A yellow water level gauge marked with measurements from 80 to 120 stands partially submerged in a body of water. The surface is slightly rippled, and a rock is visible near the gauge. / Un jauge de niveau deau jaune avec des mesures de 80 à 120 est partiellement immergé dans une masse deau. La surface est légèrement ondulée et un rocher est visible près du jauge.

Network Priorities for 2021 to 2022 – Data Development Updates

In our 2021 Network priorities survey, we asked you, our members, where we should invest the most time and effort to develop data in our Shared Measurement System over the coming year.  The Shared Measurement System acts as a collective vision guiding us towards achieving our ambitious goal of “all waters in Canada in good health by 2030.” It’s

Network Priorities for 2021 to 2022 – Data Development Updates Read More »

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